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2023 Speakers

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Angela Eggleton

Angela Eggleton

Teaching Fellow in Law, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham

Angela is an interdisciplinary researcher focussing on the regulation of emerging technologies. She has recently written a book chapter on AI and robotics in healthcare due to be published by Routledge in December 2023. Angela has published in Oxford University’s Centre for Socio-Legal Studies blog on her robotics research. As part of her research on the NERC project on robotics and law she has experience in Birmingham’s extreme robotics lab and organised and led an inter-disciplinary conference at the University with attendees from across the country in industry, academia, and government. Angela also has experience on the Faraday ‘ReLib’ Project researching regulation of end-of-life provision for lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries. During the project she engaged with the European Commission in Brussels and collaborated across different universities and individuals from departments such as business, economics, and metallurgy and materials.
